Activating the Divine Octave of Your Soul to Illuminate the Living Blueprint of Your Divine Soul Plan
The blueprint of your soul in the Records of Creation and the physical reality are geometric holograms of the Flower of Life. It is the pure pattern of the interwoven geometric principles for the manifestation of your soul’s design. We open to the holographic universe and the hologram of creation opening the two flower of life holograms of the blue print of your soul. One hologram is the soul’s blueprint in creation. The second hologram is the blueprint of manifestation of the physical reality. All of reality is a holographic mirror, a reflection of the divine hologram infuses the physical reality of the living hologram of physical reality with the patterns that manifest as divine guidance for your life plan. The direction you take in your life is either in balance and harmony with the living blueprint the result of distortions in the hologram of your reality. The energy distortions come in the form of doubt, shame, and fear; clouding your reality, by distorting the mirror of the living hologram in the material existence. The distortions makes it difficult for you to see and know your way and your soul purpose. As you raise your energy vibration you activate the codes of light in your DNA to illuminate blueprint of your soul in the divine hologram of creation.
Each person has a divine octave that resonates with the Blueprint of the Soul. We will awaken the divine octave through toning and breathe work. Judith will guide you through the mirror of the soul, the Mirror of Mary Magdalene to illuminate the living blueprint of your soul to mirror into your physical reality with the Divine Octave of your soul at the Source of Creation.
The activation will be in English.
Judith Moore
Judith K. Moore has been a conscious channel for Laiolin and an Arcturian ambassador since 1992. She is an estabished telepath, recieving transmissions from an Arcturian mothership.
Judith is (co) author of many books among with the renowned “Crop Circles Revealed” with Brabara Lamb and “Werken met de Graancirkelcodes” which she wrote together with Dutch Author Johan Keyser.
More info on Judith Moore can be found on: and

Judith Moore at work
12.30 pm: registration
1.00 pm: workshop part I
2.30 pm: coffee/tea break
3.00 pm: uur: workshop part II
4.30 pm: drinks
5.00 pm: venue closes
You can register for this workshop by sending an e-mail to mentioning “Divine Octave”. This workshop costs € 50,– pp if you book in advance. Drinks and snacks included. Registration is final after we have received your payment. You can transfer € 50,– pp. to: NL78 ABNA 0467074526, R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A).
Curch of Vrijzinnigen Nederland
Beneden Molendijk 35
3262 AA Oud-Beijerland
The Netherlands
Click here for the location
Ample parking in the aeria.
For more information, call us at: 06 54752559.