
Welke evenementen heeft Sky High Creations in het verleden georganiseerd?

  • Friday, May 27th 2022 “Seen it before? Past lives and déjà vu explained”, talk by Joel of the I.A.C. (Via Zoom)

    We have all experienced that sensation described as “I’ve seen this before…” to varying degrees of emotionality. Whether it was triggered by “a glitch in the matrix”, or an old and forgotten memory, there’s more to it than we think. Come and learn all about past lives, past memories and the déjà vu experience with Joel from the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC), who will discuss this in detail, and explain the mechanics behind such feelings and memories, in a short and fascinating talk.

    The IAC is an education and research organisation dedicated to investigating the nature of consciousness. They do this through the exploration of human exceptional experiences such as the out-of-body experience (astral travel or astral projection), clairvoyance, expansion of awareness, extra-sensory perception, channelling, near-death experience, energy healing, and other psychic phenomena. The IAC researchers and instructors share knowledge and teach subtle energy and astral travel techniques to empower everyone to seek their truth by themselves. In their courses they endeavour to deliver the most accurate and updated knowledge, in an unbiased way. They seek to continuously examine psychic phenomena and expand their body of knowledge in a transcendental yet down-to-earth manner.

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Déjà Vu”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    We hope to see you in our zoom-meeting on Friday May 27th.
    Nancy Polet LLM and Roeland Beljon
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.


  • Zaterdag 21 mei 2022 “Hoe stap je uit de Controle-Matrix?”, lezing door Peter Toonen (Dongen)

    Al vele duizenden jaren bevinden we ons in een piramidale samenleving.
    Dit aloude model begint te wankelen en de coronacrisis leidde ertoe dat steeds meer mensen zich bewust werden van dit onderdrukkende systeem waarin de menselijke ziel slechts telt als een instrument waaraan geld en macht onttrokken wordt (ten behoeve van een kleine elite). Peter Toonen schreef hier het boek “Opgesloten in een Piramide” over.

    Hoe kunnen we uit die piramidale structuur stappen en eigen kringen kunnen opzetten op basis van liefde en verbinding met elkaar en Moeder Aarde? Hoe keren we terug naar menselijke en natuurlijke waarden waarin niet angst en schaarste, maar verbinding en overvloed de sleutelwoorden zijn? En wat kunnen de valkuilen of obstakels zijn?

    Er is slechts één geheim waarvan de matrix ons af wil houden en we nu zelf onthullen: wijzelf zijn de goden op wie we wachten. Want mensen zijn naast schepsels ook scheppers. Wat gaan we scheppen?

    Jouw waarneming bepaalt de werkelijkheid; wat is je waarneming en wie stuurt dit aan? Hoe zie jij de toekomst voor onze kinderen?
    De eigenlijke vraag die Peter ons wil voorhouden is: wie zijn wij als mensen en wat is onze kracht?

    Een lezing waarin niet slechts het grote plaatje wordt geschetst, maar ook veel praktische info wordt gedeeld.

    Peter Toonen (Hilvarenbeek, 1958) is trainer, coach, verteller en schrijver. Hij studeerde andragogie aan de Universiteit Utrecht, een specialisme binnen de sociale wetenschappen dat tot doel heeft de volwassen mens bij te staan in de ontwikkeling tot mondigheid, autonomie, humaniteit en verantwoordelijkheid. Vanwege zijn boeken en workshops over de kalenders van de Maya’s werd hij landelijk bekend als ‘2012 deskundige’.

    In de laatste jaren heeft hij vooral praktische ervaring gekregen met het opzetten van kleine organisaties. In de afgelopen twee jaar was hij nauw betrokken bij het op een ‘veilige’ manier organiseren van lokale en landelijke bijeenkomsten tbv de parallelle samenleving. Hij was spreker op diverse grote manifestaties zoals die van Vrouwen voor Vrijheid en is schrijver van het boek ‘Opgesloten in een piramide’ (2018). Al bijna dertig jaar schrijft hij boeken en publiceert hij artikelen en columns in diverse magazines. Hij verschijnt regelmatig in diverse podcasts en is tevens interviewer voor Café Weltschmerz.

    14.00 uur: Ontvangst
    14.30 uur: Lezing deel I
    15.30 uur: Pauze
    15.45 uur: Lezing deel II en gelegenheid tot vragen stellen
    16.45 uur: Gelegenheid om Peter Toonen persoonlijk te ontmoeten
    17.00 uur: Sluiting

    Aanmelden voor deze lezing kan via het contactformulier of door een mail te sturen naar onder vermelding van “Matrix”. De kosten bedragen € 22,50 per persoon in de voorverkoop (Aan de zaal is de prijs € 25,–). De aanmelding is definitief nadat de betaling is ontvangen. Je kunt € 22,50 pp. overmaken op NL78 ABNA 0467074526 t.n.v. R.J. Beljon (BIC code: ABNANL2A).

    We zien je graag op 21 mei in Dongen,

    mr. Nancy Polet en Roeland Beljon

    Natuurlijk Henriëtte
    Klein Dongenseweg 81
    5106 AB Dongen

    Als je automatisch op de hoogte wilt blijven van de lezingen, meld je dan aan voor de nieuwsbrief.

    Voor meer informatie kun je ook telefonisch contact opnemen via: 06 – 54 752 559.

  • Wednesday May 11th 2022 “Ukrain, may I have your votes please?” talk by Nancy Polet LLM (Via Zoom)

    Would you rather see Ukrain in the Eurovison Song Contest than being bombed? But did you know Ukrain played a part in the start of both World War I and World War II? And did you know that Ukrain got caught in the battle between third parties? This talk will be in the week of the Eurovision Song Contest.

    Did you know that the nationalistic coup in Ukrain in 2014 killed 14.000 people and was the real start of the war in Ukrain?
    Did you know that should Ukrain fully join the European Union, Putin would be pissed off? And if Ukrain should leave the EU, the US would be pissed off?
    Did you know that is has always been US versus Russia, CIA versus KGB?
    Did you know that in the movies there are double agents so you have no clue who is spying for who?
    Did you know that the US expect the Netherlands to participate in the bombing of Ukrain?
    Did you know this also happened in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yogoslavia and Iraq?
    Did you know that the Dutch State is being sued as a result of that?
    Are you clueless on whether to support the Ukrain victims financially or not?

    Did you know that people who have experienced WWII have traumas that come back in this day and age?
    Did you know that the fear of WWIII right now is the same fear that goes along with the so called corona pandemic?
    Did you know that while you are recovering from the corona-flu, a different threat in the form of the Ukrain conflict is being rolled out?
    Did you know that because of the Ukrain Conflict, fuel, food and housing will be rationed?
    Did you know that the WEF is having a field day because you buy it all?
    Did you know that in Ukrain the situation is not as bad as they make us believe?
    The purpose of this type of propaganda is just to make you watch TV?
    Did you know that in the Netherlands, on March 31st 2022 a law has been passed  that enables the government to throw you out of your home to put Ukrainian refugees in?
    Did you know that the government is operation from the underworld or Hades?

    Did you know that on March 31st, president Zelensky called on Western Politicians to start a self inflicting economic sanction war against Rusia over the back of the people of Ukrain, Russia and Europe?
    Did you know that president Zelensky spoke about Pearl Harbor in the American Congress, the British House of Commons?
    Did you know that he spoke of the bombing of Rotterdam in 1940 in the Dutch Parliament?
    Did you know there are bio war-labs at the borders with Russia, China, Iran and in Africa?
    Did you know that these bio war-labs are paid by the Pentagon and fall out of jurisdiction of the American congres and government?
    Did you know they have done research into the DNA of Russians and Chinese and their sensitivity for certain viruses and bacteria in order to develop etnic specific bioweapens?
    Did you know that Ukrain can never be united with Donbas again?
    Did you know that the West wants to keep the war going till the end in order to let Russia bleed?

    Did you know that in 1940 the Dutch Government surrendered to prevent the people in the inner cities to be the victims of more useless destruction?
    Did you know that in 1943 the US bombed a part of Rotterdam called Delfshaven by mistake?
    Did you know that this friendly fire-bombing is being remembered every year on March 31st on 1943 Square?
    Did you know that Nancy’s grandfather lost his life in this bombing?
    Did you know that we are on the verge of a new “Cold War”?
    Did you know that there is no such thing as a “Cold War”, just like there is no such thing as cold fire?

    Did you know that history repeats itself?
    Do you want history to repeat itself?
    Did you know that you always have a choice between repetition and renewal?

    If you simply believe what meets the eye, history will repeat itself.
    If you realise that all is illusion, you are in the process of waking up.
    If you manifest a new word without war, then you are awake!
    Good Morning! Cup of Coffee?

    See through the looking glass and pick your choice!

    Nancy Polet
    Nancy has been studying the esoteric and frontier sciences for over 40 years. Since 1994 she has been visiting the crop circles with Roeland Beljon, both in the UK and in the Netherlands. Nancy wrote for Frontier Magazine, Vamzz, Spiegelbeeld, Paravisie and Bloom. She interviewed many remarkable people from the frontier sciences. In 2007 she was initiated in Kriya Yoga by a student of a student of Paramahansa Yogananda.
    Nancy has had several mystical experiences, but since her spiritual crisis or Kundalini-awakening in 2021 her senses are extremely sharp so she can not ignore the games that are being played.
    In the fall of 2010 Nancy and Roeland founded Sky High Creations. Nancy was also an environmental legal advisor for over 22 years and still does legal work. Because of her background in law, she is analytical, critical and thorough.

    Programme: Central European Time (CET)
    7.40 pm: Waiting room opens
    8.00 pm: Talk starts
    9.30 pm: Questions and answers, discussion
    10.00 pm: Zoom-session closes (indication)

    If you like to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Votes”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon. After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the talk starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the talk and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.

    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.


  • Zaterdag 7 mei 2022 “Wereld in Transitie”, lezing door Han Touw (Dongen)

    De Wereld is in transitie. Dat gebeurt op dit moment zowel op onze Aarde, als op Universeel niveau. We merken steeds meer dat systemen die we zelf bedacht hebben niet meer werken. Het is tijd om op Aarde het roer om te gooien en plaats te maken voor nieuwe systemen.

    Han benoemt een aantal van deze systemen en gaat in op transitieprocessen en uitdagingen die daarmee gepaard gaan om tot nieuwe systemen te komen.
    Daarnaast is er op het Universele vlak een groot, noem het maar Herstelplan, gaande, wat deel uitmaakt van een veel grotere transitie. Herstellen wat er in het verleden voor gezorgd heeft dat de Mens ver van zichzelf kwam te staan. Ook dit aspect wordt toegelicht in deze lezing.

    Eén van de nieuwe systemen waar Han op zal ingaan is autonomie. Han is zelf sinds kort autonoom. Wat betekent autonoom zijn precies? En hoe word je dat? Wat zijn de voordelen de nadelen en wat is het verschil tussen autonoom en soeverein, Han vertelt over zijn proces.

    Han Touw
    Han heeft zelf 4 jaar geleden het roer drastisch omgegooid in zijn leven en is na een periode van bezinning en rust nu zo’n 2,5 jaar actief bezig met Bewustzijn en het ontwikkelen daarvan. Gebeurtenissen, cursussen en boeken op, onder andere, het gebied van reizen naar andere lagen van ons Bewustzijn, Meditaties, Esoterie, Astrologie, Kosmologie en Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling kwamen in Synchroniciteit op zijn pad en hebben geleid tot ervaringen en inzichten die hij graag wil delen.

    14.00 uur: Ontvangst
    14.30 uur: Lezing deel I
    15.30 uur: Pauze
    15.45 uur: Lezing deel II en gelegenheid tot vragen stellen
    16.45 uur: Gelegenheid om Han Touw persoonlijk te ontmoeten
    17.00 uur: Sluiting

    Aanmelden voor deze lezing kan via het contactformulier of door een mail te sturen naar onder vermelding van “Transitie”. De kosten bedragen € 22,50 per persoon in de voorverkoop. De aanmelding is definitief nadat de betaling is ontvangen. Je kunt € 22,50 pp. overmaken op NL78 ABNA 0467074526 t.n.v. R.J. Beljon (BIC code: ABNANL2A).

    Natuurlijk Henriëtte
    Klein Dongenseweg 81
    5106 AB Dongen

    Als je automatisch op de hoogte wilt blijven van de lezingen, meld je dan aan voor de nieuwsbrief.

    Voor meer informatie kun je ook telefonisch contact opnemen via: 06 – 54 752 559.

  • Tuesday April 26th 2022 “The New Heretics: Polarisation, Conspiracies and Freedom” Talk by Andy Thomas (Via Zoom)

    The New Heretics
    Andy’s latest book The New Heretics highlights serious issues with the way that freedom of expression and choice is being destroyed by an establishment that seems to believe suppression actually changes people’s minds – when it doesn’t. The pandemic and the many different polarised responses to it, along with other contentious recent events, has revealed serious divisions in who we trust and what we believe, fostering a suspicion once again that fear is being used to control populations. But with everyone fighting their corners, both mainstream and alternative, it is easy to fall into hatred and oppositional thinking that help no one. Based on his own experiences with researching conspiracies and the paranormal, Andy looks at how we can approach different opinions to our own in ways that are more constructive, and which could make a real difference to the way truth seekers pursue their causes.

    Andy Thomas
    Andy is a leading researcher into mysteries and cover-ups and is the author of The New Heretics as well as the acclaimed The Truth Agenda and Conspiracies, all widely praised for providing real and balanced insights into conspiracy thinking and paranormal research. His many other books include Vital Signs and An Introduction to Crop Circles, seen as definitive guides to the circle-phenomenon. Andy is one of Britain’s most prolific lecturers and has also spoken in many other countries. He has made numerous radio and TV appearances. Andy is also founder of Changing Times, which holds events on truth and mysteries, and he is a key organiser of the Glastonbury Symposium, the UK’s renowned Alternative Conference, held each year since 1990. More information about Andy Thomas and his work:

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “The New Heretics”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.