Dr. Eltjo H. Haselhoff (1962) has been interested in science since his childhood. After finishing his MSc in physics, specialised in laser physics, he worked at the prestigious Los Alamos National Laboratories in the USA and received a PhD in physics in 1993 with thesis Aspects of a Compton Free Electron Laser. During his professional career he has always closely collaborated with scientists world wide, and top-of-the-line institutes such as Harvard Medical School and MIT. Currently he works as a Senior Scientist in the field of Cardiology Informatics. Next to all that Eltjo has been chairman of the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies from 1996 -2004. He has written many books on the topic and he is praised for his ground breaking research “An Experimental Study for Reproduction of Biological Anomalies Reported in the Hoeven 1999 Crop Circle” that was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

Eltjo wrote the following article on the speed of light. In his lecture he will talk extensively about the speed of light. “Why is the speed of light limited? Why can it not go greater than its approximate velocity (3*10^8)?”
Lees het hier: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-speed-of-light-limited-Why-can-it-not-go-greater-than-its-approximate-velocity-3-10-8/answer/Eltjo-Haselhoff?share=ecbf35b4&srid=u1LaJ G
Eltjo presented his E=mc² 2.0 at the Glastonbury Symposium in July 2018. This is their report on that particular lecture:
“…And the Friday evening was indeed mind-blowing. Fulfilling our remit of ‘new frontiers’, we have long been inviting new views on science – and the presentation from Eltjo Haselhoff literally tipped science on its head. As a qualified physicist, Eltjo has always put his reputational neck on the line by also being prepared to embrace

7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
8.00 pm CET: start
9.30 pm CET: questions
10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at info@skyhighcreations.nl entitled “Eltjo Haselhoff”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting. You can log on from 20 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
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