Urgent Call for Action by Nancy Polet LLM, 17th Message!

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Call for Group Meditation, Saturday February 19th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly Group Meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st Meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next Meditation by email.


What’s going on?
In the Netherlands, most restrictions will be lifted from Friday, February 25th. That means that no more covid-passport will be required to enter restaurants and venues except for places with over 500 visitors. Face masks and social distancing will nog longer be required except for public transport. Travel restrictions are eased. More and more questions are being raised about the responsibility for the side-effects (collateral damage) of the covid-policy over the past 2 years.
Worldwide, a lot of Freedom Rally’s are being held. In Jerusalem for example, a convoy with over 20,000 trucks has settled down. Protests seem to be effective. In most states of Canada, where the Freedom Convoy started, restrictions have eased.
No hearing-date has been set yet for the trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the Meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the Meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the Meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


  • Nancy’s call for Group Meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer Meditations with friends. More and more people join the Meditation every week.
  • Participants report they find the Meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
  • Some people are empowered by the Meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the Meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about Meditation.

Subject 17th Meditation 

The subject of this week is: “The drawing down of Spiritual Power into the War Effort”.

Dion and Nancy on the subject: 
Gareth Knight: “Dion Fortune sets out in clear terms that the performance of Esoteric Work is no excuse for lack of commitment to Outer Work in the world. In fact, to neglect the call of physical plane demands is likely to break the circuit, thus rendering any intended Inner Plane Work ineffective.”
Dion: (adapted by Nancy) Those who have followed the course of our Work from its beginning and seen its growth, know that it was not a thing which had been thought out and planned by human intelligence, but that it was gradually unfolded in a series of visions or revelations, each leading to the next.
The starting point was the Flower of Life-Symbol containing the Peace-Sign. From it quickly developed the Castle where the Masters came to meet us in the light.
We found ourselves being led from level to level in a Castle (either fictitious or favorite), starting in the Cellar. If we imagine ourselves to be in the Medieval Library, we can use the contact thus made to acquire technical Occult Knowledge in the manner described in a previous Meditation. If we picture ourselves in the Initiation Room, we find that we are immediately in touch with the most potent spiritual forces. If we mount yet higher, and come out on the Watchtower, we shall discover Powers of visions are available to us, but that strong and contending forces will beat upon us.
In the time of effort that we are passing through, Spiritual Strength is needed both by us as individuals and by the Collective. It is through Spiritual Strength that we shall triumph over the brute force that opposes us. The worldwide crisis has physical, astral and mental powers, but it has no Spiritual Contacts, hence it lack of all ethic standards and its complete irresponsibility.
We, on our part, have the Spiritual Forces of the Cosmos behind us. We shall see, in the most amazing way, results will follow realisation. This does not mean that, if we do our Inner Plane-Work, we have no need to bear our share in the International Effort.
Having done our Meditations we should return refreshed and inspired to do with all our might whatever tasks lie at hand. From our Inner Plane contacts we draw Strength and Inspiration. The Inspiration will soon dry up unless it flows through us, ever renewing itself in flowing. For those that have the Deeper Knowledge, participation in the International War Efforts is a sacramental act, whereby the Power that has been drawn down is put in circuit. Break the circuit, and the Power ceases to flow.

Instructions 17th meditation, Saturday February 19th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

All instructions have changed, except for stage 4.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, a metal wind-chime, several brass bells, several Tibetan bells and a set of Chinese Chi Balls which open Sacred Space for everyone and set Protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light several candles and some incense. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along your thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “The drawing down of Spiritual Power into the War Effort”Use the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign.

Stage 3:
Straighten your spine;
Put your chin down a bit;
Roll up your tongue against your palate;
Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
Take a deep breath through the mouth, hold the breath and bend forward as far as possible with your hands on your knees. Or alternatively, stretch your arms, placing your hands flat on the floor in front of you.
Next, breathe out through the mouth and then breathe normally again.
This is the 3rd time you perform Kriya Yoga. The Kriya Yoga that Paramahansa Yogananda brought to the West on behalf of Babaji regulates the ‘positive-negative’ energyflow in the nervoussystem by magnetising the spine. This opens up the neutral middle channel (sushuma) which gives a deep tranquility and enables divine sounds, light and vibration to manifest (the awakening of the Kundalini).


Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the Collective without distinction between Friend and foe. Let the Good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the Collective.


Stage 5: Open your mind to the drawing down of Spiritual Power into the War Effort. 


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “The drawing down of Spiritual Power into the War Effort”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candles, leave the incense to die out. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

Keep strictly to the Method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth Spiritual Force and leave it to that Force to work it’s own way.


Next Meditation

Every Meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the Message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using Zoom or Facebook Live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an International one. But you can easily do the Meditations on your own. We will spread the Message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group Meditation” as a header.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The Life and Spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” with introduction and commentary by Gareth Knight, is available on Amazon




Best Wishes,


Nancy Polet

Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 16th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday February 12th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.


What’s going on?

In the Netherlands a peaceful Rally for Freedom was held in Rotterdam last Sunday with over 15,000 people. A day prior to that, a petition was started by several politicians to end all restrictions immediately. Until now, well over 800,000 people have signed this petition.All over the world, more and more protest rally’s, freedom convoy’s etc. are being held with Ottawa in Canada still being the biggest one. As the protest has been going on for over 2 weeks now, the mayor of Ottawa declared a state of emergency.Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has started a major investigation called “Grand Jury, the Court of Public Opinion”. He is hearing thousands of witnesses from all over the world to prove the criminal acts of governments, pharmaceutical industry, the World Health Organization and the Word Economic Forum against humanity. According to Fuellmich, awareness among the world population may be even more important than actually bringing the criminals to justice. Meanwhile, a hearing date still has to be set for the trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Participants report they find the meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about meditation.

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 8

Fraternity of the Inner Light
In 1927 Dion married Dr. Thomas Penry Evans. She was introduced to him during one of her lectures. Although he was a medical doctor, he was interested in psychology and Dion’s esoteric work. She recognised in him a priest from a former life.
At the moment that Penry joined the community he was a Natural Pagan, a kind of Merlin, so the group soon called him Merl. As a result of him joining the group, they became less Christian and more Celtic and Pagan. The name of the community was changed into the ‘Fraternity of the Inner Light’. The purpose of the fraternity was the study of occult, mystical land esoteric science. They became a school of Initiation that could really deliver.
The fraternity studied Dion’s Cosmic Doctrine, the Qabalah and performed group rituals using archetypes such as King Arthur, Morgan le Fay, Merlin and the Holy Grail. Dion received many letters from people living too far away to join her, and this resulted in a written course by which people could get accepted into the fraternity. They published a magazine called The Inner Light, which was in circulation from 1922 until 1940 and had a worldwide audience. Every issue, five hundred copies would be laid on an altar, in order to create a magnetic bond between Dion and her readers.
Because the fraternity needed to expand, Loveday bought a large house at no. 3 Queensborough Terrace in London called 3QT (see picture above). The house included a library, two big chambers for ritual temple work and lecturing and rooms for Dion and Penry and other members of the fraternity.
In 1930 they also purchased and old church dating back to 1830, nicknamed ‘the Belfry’. It served as a private retreat for Dion to write her books and she gave lectures there for small groups of people.
During the years 1927-33 Dion gave many lectures, many of her books were translated and the fraternity possessed the best up to date library in the UK.
The three temples in Glastonbury, at 3QT and in the Belfry were fully functional. She attracted a large and intelligent group of people who came back for more and she could double the prices. 
(to be continued)

Subject 16th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “The spiritual nature of our war aims and the Cosmic Power that is behind them to bring them to pass”.

Nancy on the subject: “Each Saturday evening we meditate (worldwide) and we join the Freedom Rally on Sundays. Our biggest aim is awakening the collective consciousness. Cosmic Power assures this aim is gradually being achieved”. 

Instructions 16th meditation, Saturday February 12th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, a metal wind-chime, several brass bells, several Tibetan bells and a set of Chinese Chi Balls which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a few candles. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along your thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: The spiritual nature of our war aims and the Cosmic Power that is behind them to bring them to passUse the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3:
Straighten your spine;
Put your chin down a bit;
Roll up your tongue against your palate;
Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
Concentrate on the back of the 1st or root chakra. Mentally focus on Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess;
Concentrate on the back of the 2nd or Sacral chakra. Mentally focus on Mary Magdalene;
Then concentrate on the back of the 3rd chakra or solar plexus. Mentally focus on Archangel Uriel; 
Concentrate on the back of the 4th or heartchakra. Mentally focus on Master Jesus; 
Next, concentrate on the back of the 5th of throatchakra. Mentally focus on Archangel Gabriel;
Concentrate on the back of the 6th chakra, the third eye or soulcentre. Mentally focus on Mother Mary;
Finally concentrate on the 7th or crownchakra. Mentally focus on Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha. 


Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Open your eyes for the aim of our fight: awakening the collective consciousness.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: The spiritual nature of our war aims and the Cosmic Power that is behind them to bring them to pass.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candles. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,


Nancy Polet

Tuesday February 22nd 2022 “Manifesting Spirits: An Ethnographic Study of Trance and Physical Mediumship” Talk by dr. Jack Hunter (Via Zoom)

Some may argue that mediumship and spiritism are a thing of the past. Mostly experienced and reported to have taken place in the late 19th and early 20th century. With great names like Leslie Flint who specialised in the phenomenon of the direct voice. And who has ever seen real ectoplasm coming from the ear of some medium? Surely that is a thing of the Golden Era when peolpe like Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley and of course Dion Fortune were active. Or is it?

This presentation will be an exploration of contemporary trance and physical mediumship at a private spiritualist home-circle called the Bristol Spirit Lodge, which formed the basis of dr. Jack Hunter’s doctoral research. Located in a garden on the outskirts of Bristol, the Lodge is a wooden shed specially constructed for the purposes of mediumship development and spirit communication. Through a combination of ethnographic observations in séances, including his own experiences of mediumship development, and interviews with spirits and their mediums, this research revealed a sub-urban world of trance states, ectoplasm, spirit lights and discarnate entities. Issues relating to altered states of consciousness, personhood, performance and the efficacy of ritual are examined in order to make sense of the processes by which spirits become manifest in social reality.

Examples of direct mediumship
Here are some examples of direct mediumship in the 20th century.
First a direct voice recording of Mahatma Ghandi coming through the London based medium Leslie Flint, recorded by researcher George Woods:


Here is an picture of Leslie Flint at work. A trumpetlike shape (larynx) of ectoplasm comes from his mouth. Out of the trumpet sounds the direct voice of, for example, Ghandi.

Here is another example of ectoplasm coming from the body of a medium, in this case from the nose.

Dr. Jack Hunter
Jack Hunter, PhD., is an anthropologist exploring the borderlands of consciousness, religion, ecology and the paranormal. He is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, and a tutor with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. There, Jack is lead tutor on the MA in Ecology and Spirituality and teaches on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. He is also a lecturer on the Alef Trust’s MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. He is a Research Fellow with the Parapsychology Foundation, and a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association. Jack currently sits on the board of directors of the Association for the Anthropology of Consciousness. In 2010 he founded Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal. He is the author of Spirits, Gods and Magic (2020) and Manifesting Spirits (2020), and is the editor of Mattering the Invisible (2020), Greening the Paranormal (2019), Damned Facts (2016) and Talking with the Spirits (2014). Jack lives in the hills of Mid-Wales with his family.
His website can be found at jack-hunter.webstarts.com
Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
8.00 pm CET: start
9.30 pm CET: questions
10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at info@skyhighcreations.nl entitled “Manifesting Spirits”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
Payment from outside The Netherlands
To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to info@skyhighcreations.nl and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.

Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 15th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday February 5th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.


What’s going on?

In the Netherlands, over 52,000 out of 1.3 million children under the age of 12 have been vaccinated. They are now calling children from the age of 4 up to 12 years old for vaccination. They will receive a smaller dose of vaccine than adults. Protest against covid-restrictions is rising every day. The next protest march will be on Sunday February 6th in Rotterdam.
Meanwhile, a hearing date has not been set yet by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, as they are searching for judges from different countries for the trial.
In Canada the Freedom Convoy of truckers has been going on for over a week now, with over 500,000 people joining the protest. In other countries similar protests are being organised albeit on a smaller scale. In Austria vaccination will be mandatory from the age of 17, once the law is approved. In Denmark on the other hand, all restrictions have been lifted.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.



  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Participants report they find the meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about meditation.

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 7

Trance and Secret Chiefs
The type of trance Dion used would make her lose total consciousness, surrounded by the group in ‘Chalice Orchard’ (see pic) to take care of her. She would lie down, take a few deep breaths and would concentrate on abstract symbols. While doing this, thinking cannot interfere, and will eventually stop altogether. She would separate from her body and travel to an inner temple, where she would be taken care of by very high beings. Then a Master would try and make contact with her physical body. At first a creaky sound would come through as a greeting. As soon as the group reacted, the channel for communication would be open. During the communications, wind and sound phenomena and changing of physical objects would take place.
When Dion channeled her future book ‘The Cosmic Doctrine’, the flames of the lighted candles rose up almost 6 feet high. In this case the elemental forces of the Tor were used to get a more solid channel, because the information was coming from a very remote place.
During one of her trances, three different masters made themselves known; a Greek, a lawyer and a soldier. She called them her Secret Chiefs, the lesser masters, the ones that gave her knowledge. Dion stressed that these Inner Plane adepts are like us, only without a body. They have gained wisdom, but they are no gods or angels. What they are, we can become. By thinking of them, the student can make contact. These thoughts will become astral thoughtforms and these are the channels that unseen forces will work through. They said “Use the method of the images. What we are, you cannot imagine. But you can imagine us on the astral plane and we can make contact with your imagination. And even though the image is not totally correct, the results will be real.”
(to be continued)


Subject 15th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “The spiritual experiences of the New Era that supply the real strength of the War Effort”.


Nancy on the subject: “During the first lecture of the new year organised by Sky High Creations (Nancy Polet and Roeland Beljon) the audience burst into spontanious chanting. This shows the primal force in humans who are awake”. 


Instructions 15th meditation, Saturday February 5th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, a metal wind-chime, several brass bells, a Tibetan bell and a set of Chinese Chi Balls which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along your thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “The spiritual experiences of the New Era that supply the real strength of the War Effort”. Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.


Stage 3:
Straighten your spine;
Put your chin down a bit;
Roll up your tongue against your palate;
Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
Concentrate on the fontanel, the 7th or crownchakra. Mentally focus on Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha.
Concentrate on the front of the 6th chakra, the third eye or soulcenter. Mentally focus on Mother Mary;
Then concentrate on the front of the 5th or throat chakra. Mentally focus on Archangel Gabriel;
Next, concentrate on the front of the 4th or heart chakra. Mentally focus on Master Jesus; 
Then concentrate on the front of the 3rd chakra or solar plexus. Mentally focus on Archangel Uriel;
Concentrate on the front of the 2nd or sacral chakra. Mentally focus on Mary Magdalene;
Finally concentrate on the the 1st or root chakra. Mentally focus on Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess.


Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Open your mind for the spiritual experiences.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “The spiritual experiences of the New Era that supply the real strength of the War Effort”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.


Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.


Good luck and thanks for participating!


More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,



Nancy Polet


Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 14th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday January 29th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.

What’s going on?

In the Netherlands, as of last Wednesday, restrictions are eased again. Shops, restaurants, theaters etc. are open until 10 pm. Except in shops, a covid-passport is required almost everywhere, which in itself is an illegal act because discrimination is constitutionally illegal.
In England, most restrictions are lifted, including the covid-passport, since January 26th. 
The Dutch newspaper “Binnenlansche en Bataafse Courant’ reports on January 24th, a lawsuit for global crimes against humanity was filed by German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich (and his team of over 1000 specialists) and accepted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. This so-called “Nuremberg 2 Trail” is a case against the World Health Organization and The World Economic Forum. According to an International Criminal Court Official, there is no hearing date set yet.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.



  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Participants report they find the meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about meditation.

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 6

Glastonbury years
Dion was very much drawn to Glastonbury and went there regularly. She felt that Glastonbury was once a colony of lost Atlantis, called Avalon. She considered Glastonbury the most Holy Place on earth and knew it was very strong in elemental forces. She started her trance mediumship here in 1921, under the guidance of Maiya Tranchell-Hayes.
In a state of trance Dion learned about the thousands of years of tradition in Glastonbury. From the Atlantian, the pagan, to the Christian faith, when the worship of the Sun was replaced by the worship of the Son. Years later she would write the book ‘Glastonbury, Avalon of the heart’, about her ongoing love affair with Glastonbury. When in Glastonbury, Dion would often stay with Alice Buckton, owner of the Chalice Well, underneath the Tor. Here she met Charles T. Loveday, who would become her secretary and protector during the rest of her life.
Loveday, in 1924 got hold of a peace of land underneath the Tor at Well House Lane, opposite Chalice Well. This was basically an overgrown apple orchard, not worth a lot of money. Next he purchased an unused army barrack, which they would rebuild as a lodge and called it ‘Chalice Orchard’.
Here Dion could really start her Society. ‘Chalice Orchard’ became the focus of the Inner Plane work. In this place much of the esoteric material came through because of Dion’s developing mediumship. During the summer, ‘Chalice Orchard’ was open as a guesthouse and spiritual centre.
Nowadays ‘Chalice Orchard’ is rebuilt as a Bed and Breakfast. The name is changed into ‘Berachach’ which means ‘Place of Special Spiritual Blessing’.
(to be continued)


Subject 14th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “The Invisible Power with which we are operating”.


Nancy on the subject: “The Invisible Power gives us a lot of signals from the Cosmos to let us know the Power and its support are with us. Though invisible to most people, for those who KNOW, the Power is steadfast, real and perceptible”. 


Instructions 14th meditation, Saturday January 29th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, several wind-chimes and several Tibetan bells) which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along the thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “The Invisible Power with which we are operating”. Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3:
Straighten your spine;
Put your chin down a bit;
Roll up your tongue against your palate;
Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
Concentrate on the Master of the red Ray (the 1st or root chakra); Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess;
Concentrate on the Master of the orange Ray (the 2nd or sacral chakra); Mary Magdalene;
Then concentrate on the Master of the yellow Ray (the 3rd chakra or solar plexus); Archangel Uriel;
Next, concentrate on the Master of the green Ray (the 4th or heart chakra); Master Jesus.
Then concentrate on the Master of the turquoise Ray (the 5th or throat chakra); Archangel Gabriel;
Then concentrate on the Master of the indigo Ray (the 6th chakra or third eye); Mother Mary;
Finally, concentrate on the the Master of the purple or violet Ray (the 7th or crown chakra); Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha.


Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Open your mind as a channel for the Invisible Power.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “The Invisible Power with which we are operating”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.


Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.


Good luck and thanks for participating!


More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,



Nancy Polet


Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 13th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday January 22nd 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.

What’s going on?

In the Netherlands, as of last Saturday, lockdown was lifted, shops are open until 5 pm, but restaurants, theaters etc. are still closed. Gyms are open, but are required to check the covid-passport, which in itself is an illegal act because discrimination is constitutionally illegal. Last Sunday the Freedom Rally in Amsterdam was joyful and peaceful. No mobile forces and no incidents. War veterans and Farmers supported the rally. At the same time various municipalities in the Netherlands tolerated restaurants to open for the weekend against national policy.
Worldwide, differences in approach remain. In Mexico however, all entry requirements have been dropped and in most of the 32 states, many if not all covid-restrictions are abandoned. 



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.



  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Participants report they find the meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 5

The Golden Dawn
In 1919 Violet joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society dedicated to spiritual, magical and philosophical development. They brought together the best ancient traditions like Hermetism and Quabalism and collected magical books such as The Book of Enoch, The Key of Solomon and The Book of Abramelin.
During the initiation-ceremony in the Golden Dawn Voilet’s damaged aura was healed. This was also the moment she chose her new name of Dion Fortune, under which she would write many books. Directly after the ceremony her mental and physical problems disappeared, never to return. And again she started remembering thousands of years of former lives.
During her time in The Golden Dawn she found a very good teacher in Mayia Tranchell-Hayes. Mayia had exceptional knowledge of occultism and was skilled in the use of ritual magic. It was this woman that gave Dion her training in trance mediumship. In 1920 Dion wrote The Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage about the esoteric concept of sex and sexual polarity. This book was soon followed by Sane Occultism, in which she warns for the dangers of occult science. These books enraged the head of the Golden Dawn, Moina Mathers, widow of one of the founders, McGregor Mathers. She found that Dion was betraying the secrets of the order. Although Dion had not advanced to a sufficiently high grade to access such ‘secrets’, (they were given to her in trance), Moina astrally attacked her. But now Dion knew how to deal with astral attacks and she won the battle. At the same time Dion got bored with the members of the Golden Dawn who mainly consisted of widows and elderly men because of the First Word War. So in 1924 she formed her own secret society, the ‘Community of the Inner Light’ in Glastonbury.
(to be continued)


Subject 13th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “Meditate upon the spiritual factors behind the new life impulse”.


Nancy on the subject: “The effect of imagining the Masters of Wisdom and their Ray Colours is visible in the inner and outer world. Joy rules over fear. Freedom rules over imprisonment”. 


Instructions 13th meditation, Saturday January 22nd 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, several wind-chimes and several Tibetan bells) which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Assume the position seen in Egyptian statues; feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along the thighs. Slowly breathe in and out. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “Meditate upon the spiritual factors behind the new life impulse”. Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3: Thank the Master of the red Ray (the 1st or root chakra) for her help; Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess.
Thank the Master of the orange Ray (the 2nd or sacral chakra) for her help; Mary Magdalene.
Then thank the Master of the yellow Ray (the 3rd chakra or solar plexus) for her/his help; Archangel Uriel.
Next, thank the Master of the green Ray (the 4th or heart chakra) for his help; Master Jesus.
Then thank the Master of the turquoise Ray (the 5th or throat chakra) for his help; Archangel Gabriel.
Then thank the Master of the indigo Ray (the 6th chakra or third eye) for her help; Mother Mary.
Finally, thank the the Master of the purple or violet Ray (the 7th or crown chakra) for his help, Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha.


Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Feel the Wisdom, Power, Love and Joy radiate from the 7 Masters of Wisdom.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “Meditate upon the spiritual factors behind the new life impulse”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.


Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.


Good luck and thanks for participating!


More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,



Nancy Polet

Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 12th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday January 15th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.


What’s going on?

In the Netherlands, 10 months after the elections the new government was inaugurated last Monday. Nothing new, just a shuffle.
Worldwide, new measures, lockdowns etc. are being imposed whilst more and more governments are stating that we have to find a way to live with the disease or even treat it as if it were a flu, like in Spain for example. Measures are being taken to ease off the pressure of the healthcare system rather than trying to stop viral transmission entirely. Still, differences in approach of the situation are bigger than ever. In some countries or cities like Hong Kong for example the measures are very disrupting.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • Some participants, who have done the meditations in their own time, still find them to be very powerful. 

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 4

The Masters
From 1916 until 1919 Violet served in the Woman’s Land Army, where she was put to work in a laboratory. There, all alone, she started developing astral visions. She went back to the library of the Theosophical Society to find explanations for her visions. Violet could not agree with Madame Blavatsky’s conviction that Ascended Masters lived in Tibet or would walk the streets of London. But a book of the assistant of Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, caught her attention. It was written in 1911 and was called ‘The Ancient Wisdom’. When Violet read the words “The Brotherhood of the Great White Lodge, who guide the evolution of humanity, still They teach eager pupils, still They may be reached by all who seek them”, her higher self seemed to suddenly wake up. 
Violet became obsessed with the need to contact the Masters, even her dreams were affected by the same desire. Ten nights later she dreamt she was in the library of the Theosophical Society. One side of the room opened out and Violet found herself on a plateau in the Himalayas, kneeling before the feet of two of the Masters. She knew that the one with the white robe was the Master Jesus, the Lord of Compassion. The other, clad in a robe of dark indigo blue she did not know, but she felt him to be a tremendous intellectual force. Violet adored him and asked to enter upon his service. 
Violet woke up with the certain knowledge that she had been accepted as a pupil by the Master of Compassion, and she was not at all happy about it. It time, she learned why; the intellectual part of her character had been sufficiently developed, but she lacked in compassion. 
During the next three days, the memories of past incarnations starting in Atlantis returned to her. Violet got back not only the memory of initiations and temple lives, but also the memory of the teaching she had received during those lives. She also began to receive ideas that had never come to her before, which formulated themselves in her mind. 
(to be continued)

Subject 12th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “Dedicate yourself to the service of the Masters of Wisdom and experiment with the Ray Colours to gain experience”.

Nancy on the subject: “Like Dion, we desire to know in order to serve the Masters. We meditate on the Ray Colours in our 7 chakra’s and we see the same 7 Cosmic Colours in our rainbow. So we find the 7 colours inside and outside of our bodies”. 

Instructions 12th meditation, Saturday January 15th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, several wind-chimes and several Tibetan bells) which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Assume the position seen in Egyptian statues; feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along the thighs. Slowly breathe in and out. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “Dedicate yourself to the service of the Masters of Wisdom and experiment with the Ray Colours to gain experience”Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3: Imagine the Master of the red Ray (the 1st or root chakra); Sekhmet, the Egypitan Lion Goddess.
Then imagine the Master of the orange Ray (the 2nd or sacral chakra); Mary Magdalene.
Then imagine the Master of the yellow Ray (the 3rd chakra or solar plexus); Archangel Uriel.
Next imagine the Master of the green Ray (the 4th or heart chakra); Master Jesus.
Then imagine the Master of the turquoise Ray (the 5th or throat chakra); Archangel Gabriel.
Then imagine the Master of the indigo Ray (the 6th chakra or third eye); Mother Mary.
Finally, imagine the Master of the purple or violet Ray (the 7th or crown chakra), Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha.

Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Open your mind as a channel for the work of the 7 Masters of Wisdom.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “Dedicate yourself to the service of the Masters of Wisdom and experiment with the Ray Colours to gain experience”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,


Nancy Polet

Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 11th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday January 8th 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.

What’s going on?
In the Netherlands, the court allowed lockdown to remain until January 14th in a summary proceeding against the state, to end the current lockdown immediately. There will very likely be an appeal.
In England, prime minister Johnson will not instate a new lockdown to fight the omicron variant as he thinks wearing face masks and social distancing is enough. In Austria on the other hand, lockdown measures apply just to the unvaccinated, who are only allowed outside for essential shopping. In France, president Macron is on a quest to annoy the unvaccinated as much as he can. From January 15th, they will no longer be allowed in restaurants, cinema’s etc. In Israël, the fourth jab is offered to the people. Despite that, covid cases are soaring to a new record. Novak Djokovic faces deportation from Australia as apparently he poses a threat to their zero covid cases policy. It looks like governments are confused about how to fight the crisis as they are clearly not all on the same page anymore.



  • Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

  • What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

  • Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • Some participants, who have done the meditations in their own time, still find them to be very powerful.  

Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 3

Dr. Moriarty
There is this occult saying: “When the student is ready, the master will appear”.
At the end of the first World War, in 1917, Violet met Dr. Theodore Moriarty, a Freemason, solo magician and occultist, with a special interest in psychology and healing. He was convinced that diseases or mental illnesses could only be explained by investigating previous lives.
Moriarty could read aura’s, project his astral body and could make objects from an unknown location appear in his room. He knew how the universe worked and he remembered previous lives as a priest in Egypt and Atlantis. He had a strong belief in astrology and knew how to deal with entities and thoughtforms by absorbing their energy in his own aura.
Moriarty trained Violet until she had a sufficient knowledge of the Western Mystery Tradition.
In 1926 she wrote a novel of short stories about him, called: The Secrets of Doctor Taverner.  In this book she changed the name of Moriarty into Taverner, but she insists that the stories in the book are literally true and even toned down to make them fit for print.
In the introduction to this book she writes: “To ‘Dr. Taverner’ I owe the greatest debt of my life and without ‘Dr. Taverner’ there would have been no ‘Dion Fortune’.”
(to be continued)

Subject 11th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “To invoke the purifying Tides of Destruction upon whatever is obsolete, selfish and inefficient in our country”.

Nancy on the subject: “Worldwide, everything that is obsolete must vanish. It is time that governments start acting less selfish and more efficient”. 

Instructions 11th meditation, Saturday January 8th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  
The instructions have changed.

Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, several wind-chimes and several Tibetan bells) which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.

Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Assume the position seen in Egyptian statues; feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along the thighs. Slowly breathe in and out. If necessary support your back.

Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “To invoke the purifying Tides of Destruction upon whatever is obsolete, selfish and inefficient in our country”. Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3: Imagine the 7th Master of Wisdom or archetype. The 7th master of the purple or violet ray (the 7th, or crown chakra) is Mahavatar Babaji, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda. Mahavatar Babaji (Great Avatar, Revered Father) is the immortal Yogi-Christ/Buddha, who works for the spiritual salavation of our time. Baba means ‘father’ and ‘ji’ means honour, so Babaji means ‘Honourable Father. Every time you honourably pronounce the name Babaji, you are being blessed.  
Violet is the colour of cosmic consciousness. Violet is known as a sterile colour that can ease pain en release tension in the body. It acts as a shield against negativity and is a protective colour for those who seek spirituality. Violet is experienced as a colour that helps to dissolve the ego.
The element is cosmos and the associated sense is bliss.

Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.

Stage 5: Open your mind as a channel for the work of Mahavatar Babaji.

Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “To invoke the purifying Tides of Destruction upon whatever is obsolete, selfish and inefficient in our country”.

Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.

Closing Sacred Space
Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.

Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon


Best wishes,

Nancy Polet

Urgent call for action by Nancy Polet LLM, 10th message!

Sky High Creations logo

Call for group meditation, Saturday January 1st 2022

I call on you to participate in a weekly group meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next meditation by email.

What’s going on?

In the Netherlands, summary proceedings are instituted against the state, to end the current lockdown immediately. The court has decided to postpone the verdict until January 4th. Usually in proceedings like these, verdict is given right after the court-session.

Over Christmas and New Years Eve the situation in the world remains pretty much the same. In England for example, no further measures have been announced, but the Prime Minister has said that he can’t rule out further action in the near future.



·       Where do I sign up?

You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the meditation.

·       What if I can’t make it on time?

Just do the meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

·       Should we be meditating daily?

Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


  • Nancy’s call for group meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer meditations with friends. More and more people join the meditation every week.
  • Some people are empowered by the meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the meditation.
  • Some participants seem very happy with the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign, as it represents the basis of life on earth.
  • Other participants find Dion Fortunes words on Magic and Cosmic law to be helpful and comforting.
  • Some participants, who have done the meditations in their own time, still find them to be very powerful. 


Nancy on the life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune, part 2At Studley College, Violet had a nervous breakdown. Back in her room she drifted in a half state of consciousness for 30 hours. Her parents came and took her home. Her aura was damaged and was leaking prana and vital energy. This affected her logic and weakened her physically and emotionally for several years.This experience made her wonder about the powers of the mind and she started a study in psychology at the University of London. At the age of 27 she was one of the best paid lay-analysts in London. Though she first concentrated on Freud, this quickly changed to Jung. She agreed with his statement that mystics knew more about the secrets of life than scientists would ever know.While working in a clinic, she sometimes took part in a lecture at the Theosophical Society nearby. She also started reading books from their library. She quickly found out that she was highly telepathic and she started to notice that psychology alone was often not sufficient to help her clients.In the years 1929/30 she would write a book about this period in her life called Psychic Self Defense. With this book she warned for the misuse of occult powers and gave the readers advice on defending themselves. Her best remark is that the aura is always damaged from the inside out by reactions of fear or longing. If you can withhold this instinctive emotional reaction then the aura will be impenetrable, and the attack will return to the sender.(to be continued)

Subject 10th meditation 

The subject of this week is: “To assert the rule of law, absolute and inescapable”.

Nancy on the subject: “In many countries, constitutional rights are being violated. As we have reached the year 2022, things will change for the better and justice will prevail”. 

Instructions 10th meditation, Saturday January 1st 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

The instructions have changed.


Opening Sacred Space

Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, several wind-chimes and several Tibetan bells) which open Sacred Space for everyone and set protection.


Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light a candle. Assume the position seen in Egyptian statues; feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along the thighs. Slowly breathe in and out. If necessary support your back.


Stage 2: Think of the subject of this meditation, which is: “To assert the rule of law, absolute and inescapable”. Use the symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-sign.

Stage 3: Imagine the 6th Master of Wisdom or archetype. The 6th master of the indigo ray (the 6th chakra or third eye) is Mother Mary. Indigo is the colour of universal healing. It represents objectivity as well as a cool and clear level of consciousness. Indigo takes our consciousness to a higher level by opening it up to limitlessness and extensiveness.

The element is cosmos, the associated sense is observing/intuition. 

Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the collective without distinction between friend and foe. Let the good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the collective.


Stage 5: Open your mind as a channel for the work of Mother Mary.


Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “To assert the rule of law, absolute and inescapable”.


Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candle. Next, start doing something to distract you.


Closing Sacred Space

Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

Keep strictly to the method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the physical plain. Bring forth spiritual force and leave it to that force to work it’s own way.


Next meditation

Every meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the message. There is no need to sign in.

We will not be using zoom or facebook live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an international one. But you can easily do the meditations on your own. We will spread the message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via info@skyhighcreations.nl, use “Group meditation” as a header.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The life and spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” is available on Amazon




Best wishes,


Nancy Polet


Sky High Creations.

Saturday December 18th 2021 “Krampus”, Lecture by Geraldine Beskin (Via Zoom)

Krampus is scary, Krampus is old, smelly and horrible. He does nasty things – and yet, he is oh, so trendy. Explore the long history of this very European monster who has become a darling in the Folk Horror world. 

Especially interesting for Dutch people as Krampus is the handsman of “Sinterklaas”, whom was later transformed to Santa Claus or father Christmas in most of the Western world. Sinterklaas, nowadays is only celebrated in The Netherlands and Belgium. For most of the recent history this helper of Sinterklaas was known as “Zwarte Piet”, a man in colorful clothing with a black face from climbing up and down the chimneys. There appear to be many similarities between the way Christmas and Sinterklaas are celebrated and the history of Santa Claus and his handsman Krampus. Strangely, the roots of these celebrations lie in Austria, where Santa Claus and his handsman Krampus were first described.

Geraldine Beskin of London’s The Atlantis Bookshop enjoyed researching this small piece of folk history that shows a centuries old unbroken line of celebration. Her Talk is fully illustrated and she looks forward to hearing of any encounters you may have had with Krampus.

Geraldine comes from a family of magicians and is one of the worlds leading experts on magic. Together with her daughter Bali she owns the worlds best bookshop on magic, The Atlantis Bookshop in London, that was founded in 1922. Her family has been running this mecca of magic for over 60 years. It is an institution in the heart of London, just a stonethrow away from The British Museum in Museumstreet. 

Geraldine has been fortunate to know many of the teachers and authors who updated the language and attitudes towards magic and took it from the Medieval and Victorian times through the Swinging Sixties and beyond. As a bookseller, Geraldine has been able to research many subjects in and around the field of magic. Geraldine has many great stories to tell. 

Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
8.20 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
8.30 pm CET: start
10.00 pm CET: questions
10.30 pm CET: zoom meeting ends 
If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at info@skyhighcreations.nl entitled “Krampus”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559. 
Payment from outside The Netherlands
To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to info@skyhighcreations.nl and we will send you a Paypal invoice. 
If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.