
These are all English spoken events that we have organised since 2010 in chronological order starting with the latest one. For all Dutch events see the Dutch website.

  • Wednesday August 2nd 2023, The 9th! “A Night of Crop Circling” (Live in Alton Barnes)

    In 2015 Sky High Creations organised the first “Night of Crop Circling” in Alton Barnes, right in the middle of crop circle country in Wiltshire UK. Since then we did one every year. And this summer we will be back for the 9th edition! As always, a series of 6 short lectures on various crop circle related topics by crop circle enthusiasts of very different backgrounds. 

    Confirmed speakers for 2023 are:

    Roeland Beljon (NL)

    Roeland is a Sociology major and has been working in the field of mobility management and environmental consultancy for over 26 years. has been visiting Wiltshire and the Crop Circles together with Nancy Polet since 1994. In 1995 they joined the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies. A group of croppies that is still going strong today. Roeland has been chairman of the DCCCS for the past 12 years. In 2010 Roeland and Nancy founded Sky High Creations to bring together like minded people. Since then they have organised hundreds of lectures, workshops and symposia on frontier sciences and spiritual growth. The “Night of Crop Circling” is their highlight of the year. 

    Presentation: “What happened last year?”
    The crop circle season 2022 was mainly about co-creating crop circles or so it seemed. Roeland will explain how the Night of Crop Circling audience was involved in the co-creating of a marvelous crop circle nearby.

    Kathy Mingo (GB)

    Kathy Mingo is a channel and healer with 20 plus years of working in the field of mediumship/channeling and quantum consciousness. She has clients from around the globe and has a waiting list for appointments now 18 months in advance.
    Kathy is co founder of Quantum Inspiration which is teaching people to access their own beliefs about spiritual progress ect.
    Being an avid crop circle enthusiast. Kathy is now in her 23rd year of crop circle chasing.

    Presenation:  Crop Circles and Planetary Consciousness

    Miles Johnston (GB)

    Miles Johnston is a UFO researcher, and pirate radio broadcaster and source creator.
    Miles created the Bases Project in 1984, after a seed case on how the British bases are “making aliens” (Programmed Generated Life Forms) in Berkshire.
    He runs BASES Conferences and Seminars since 2014, and operates the project as resource for researchers, in the video media format.
    Miles Johnston is a former BBC Broadcast operations engineer, and with Sky television for over 21 years. Co-produced or appeared in SKY’s “UFOs No defence Signifincance, and Channel 4”s Confessions of an Alien Abductee, and The Great UFO Conspiracy. Cutting edge factors released to the public, each time. Miles has also appeared in a number of Crop Circle documentaries, notably one by Terje Tofteness

    Presentation: “A Bumpy Ride”
    Miles will give you a fast blast of all the key factors involved in crop circles. Beware, this presentation can shake the very ground you’re sitting on…

    Bart Uytterhaegen (B)

    Bart Uytterheagen is an internationally acclaimed UAP expert (Ufologist). He studied art in Gent, got a life coach degree and a degree in Swedish Massage. That was the foundation for a self study of frequency therapy. The latter is also essential in UAP technology and for studying the effects of that on the human body. During his studies Bart already started investigating the UAP-files. As a result he founded BUFON (Belgian UFO Network). Nowadays, Bart is an accomplished Ufologist. Obelisk Books published his book “Ufo’s officially acknowledged”.
    His research in the UAP, lead him to the field of crop circles. Tonight he will share his findings.

    Presentation: “Crop Circles in the UAP file”
    In this presentation, Bart Uyterhaegen will show what the UAP files have to say about the creation of crop circles and combine that with the findings of his own research into the phenomenon.

    Barry Reynolds (GB)

    Barry Reynolds first read about crop circles in 1986 as he was interested in the unexplained for all his life. During the 1990s, Barry was one of the world’s leading crop circle researchers. Founder of CCCS Sussex (later to become Southern Circular Research), Barry held a number of senior roles within the Centre for Crop Circle Studies including Branches Convenor and Global Database Administrator. As such, he amassed an enormous amount of material including the most comprehensive archive of 179 Sussex crop formations.
    Work and family commitments meant that Barry had to leave his crop circle research on the back-burner, but early retirement has allowed him to pick-up where he left off and take a new look at his archives.

    Presentation: “A New View Over Crop Circles”
    After taking early retirement, Barry has taken time to revisit his extensive Sussex-based crop circle research. His professional IT background has helped him realise that technology has moved on and this has enabled him to give a new view over the placement of crop formations within the local landscape. Using his extensive IT knowledge and cutting-edge software, he has produced incredible fly-bys not previously possible, superimposing Sussex crop formations from different years onto the landscape, in the same video.

    Austen Lynn (GB)

    Regular visitors of Wiltshire chasing crop circles will have encountered Austen at some point. He spends a lot of his time in the Wiltshire countryside investigating and enjoying crop circles and adjacent phenomena. He has many paranormal adventures to talk about. Light phenomena, ufo activity and close encounters of many kinds. 

    Presentation: “Original druid legend about the construction of Silbury Hill and associated light phenomena”
    Crop circles and light phenomena are closely related. Many croppies have encountered those over the past decades. Austen has some amazing pictures to show and the stories behind them.



    7.30 pm: Doors open
    8.00 pm: Roeland Beljon
    coronation hall door8.20 pm: Kathy Mingo
    8.40 pm: Miles Johnston
    9.00 pm: Coffee break
    9.30 pm: Bart Uytterhaegen
    9.50 pm: Barry Reynolds
    10.10 pm: Austen Lynn
    10.30 pm: End
    11.00 pm: Coronation Hall closes

    If you are in the UK, or to be specific in Wiltshire, it is of course best if you come over to the Coronation Hall and join us live. But if you are unable to come over, this year we will do the Night of Crop Circling on zoom too! This will be a live broadcast so calculate carefully what the times are in your part of the world. We will start at 8.00 PM UK time. For example that is 9.00 PM in central Europe and Noon in California.
    If you want to join via zoom, registration is required. You can register untill 24 hours before we start. We will send the link to the zoom session on August 2nd, well before we start. 
    If you want to register, send us an email with “NOC ZOOM” as title. We will send you a paypal invoice for € 15,–. After payment you will receive the link a couple of hours before the Night of Crop Circling starts. 
    If you want to join us live in Alton Barnes, see the details below. 

    Have a look at our video page to see some of the lectures in the previous years.

    On the Videos for sale page you can find the recordings of the Night of Crop Circling 2020 and 2021 to purchase.

    Or see the pictures of the 2022 Night of Crop Circling, 2019 Night of Crop Circling, 2018 Night of Crop Circling2017 Night of Crop Circling, the 2016 Night of Crop Circling or the 2015 Night of Crop Circling

    Date: Wednesday August 2nd 2023
    Location: Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire UK SN8 4LB
    Close to the Milk Hill White Horse
    Tickets only at the door £ 15,–
    Coffee or tea £ 1,–
    Important note:
    Please don’t block our neihgbours entrances when parking
  • Thursday, June 8th 2023, “Crop Circles – Rediscovering the Deeper Story”, talk by Andy Thomas (Zoom)

    It is easy to take the crop circle mystery for granted and to forget the fullness – and sheer strangeness – of the unique and extraordinary journey they have taken us on over the years. In this fresh re-evaluation of circular history, well-known circle and mysteries researcher Andy Thomas explores the development of the amazing designs and the many intriguing and imaginative theories put forward to explain them, whilst also seeing how public attitudes and approaches have been shaped and manipulated by the mainstream media. Yet, the fact is that these intricate shapes which continue to appear in fields each summer still defy total explanation, despite all the scepticism and debate. Overall, this thoughtful and inspiring presentation calls us back to celebrate the fascinating story of the mysterious patterns and the undeniable impact they have had on so many lives, irrespective of what the ultimate answer might be.


    Andy Thoms is a leading researcher into unexplained mysteries and is the world’s most prolific writer on crop circles. His many books include the renowned crop circle guide Vital Signs, An Introduction to Crop Circles and the acclaimed The New Heretics, Conspiracies and The Truth Agenda. He also writes on folklore and history and is the author of Christmas: A Short History. Andy regularly organises events on truth and mysteries, including one of Britain’s leading alternative conferences, the Glastonbury Symposium, and he extensively writes and lectures in the UK and around the world. He has made numerous radio and TV appearances on many well-known channels in Britain, the US and abroad. Find out more about Andy’s work at 

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends (indication)
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “The New Heretics”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.

  • Thursday, July 13th 2023 “The Secret History of Stonehenge”, Talk by Maria Wheatley (Zoom)
    This week Maria Wheatley will publish her latest book The Secret History of Stonehenge. In this talk, Maria will discuss the repressed and secret history of Stonehenge and how the longheaded Neolithic people constructed Stonehenge phase I and II. Delving into Britain’s most iconic stone temple, she will offer compelling evidence that a government department defaced one of Stonehenge’s trilithons noted for its miraculous healing power. One stone was stolen by royal decree and may still reside in one of the royal palaces, whilst others were buried as they did not fit with the standard antiquarian model of Stonehenge. Maria raises the stolen stones and buried stone settings to show you a new view of Stonehenge. 
    Maria will also discuss the powerful ley lines and earth energies that were integrated into the stone circle and touch upon how the ancients used the temple as a healing and oracle centre. She will also describe how the magic squares of the planets were encoded into monuments worldwide and Stonehenge is no exception.

    Maria Wheatley
    Maria Wheatley is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. Maria is a leading authority on earth energies, ley lines and ancient megalithic sites. Maria is the UK’s foremost dowser of the geodetic system of earth energies and runs tours to sacred sites worldwide.

    Maria is an accomplished author of many books on sacred sites and dowsing.  She discovered the Neolithic longheaded long-lost civilisation of Stonehenge, realised they had a mythical appearance and memories of them were woven into legends. She has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University and works closely with Gaia’s healing energies such as her deep waters that emit dowseable energy spirals and circles that can help the body to heal itself.

    Maria is also a Druid who follows the Celtic Path and she has also written diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid astrology, tarot and dowsing. Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.

    More info on Maria and her work to be found on her websites: and

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends (indication)
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Stonehenge”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 55


  • Private crop circle tours with Roeland Beljon

    In the summer of 2022 the crop circle phenomenon is still going strong. Crop circles have been around as long as there are wheat-fields. In the late eighties of the last century the pictograms started appearing, mostly in wheat and barley-fields in Wiltshire in the UK. After that, in the nineties and early two thousands the phenomenon soared sky high. And still in Wiltshire and the surrounding counties we find as many as 30 crop circles each summer. Well worth a visit.

    Highly recommended is a visit to the Crop Circle Information Centre and Exhibition in Honey Street, right in the middle of Crop Circle Country. After that, a guided private tour may be just the thing for you. Roeland will take you in his convertible car to the latest crop circle(s). First he will give you a brief crop circle history and crop circle highlights in the Information and Exhibition Centre. After a cup of coffee or lunch in the adjacent Honey Street Mill Café you will be taken through the wonderful Wiltshire countryside. While driving Roeland will share his crop circle knowledge with you and in the crop circle he will point out what to look for and what to do for the best crop circle experience.

    Usually a guided tour by Roeland will take from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Afterwards he will take you back to the Information and Exhibition Centre. Should it be more convenient, different pick up and drop off points like for example a train station can be negotiated. Also negotiable, visits to sites like Avebury or Silbury Hill added to the crop circle program.

    For the afternoon program from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm  £ 60,– per person.
    Extras like visits to other places that take more time or different pick up points to be negotiated.
    A full day, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm € 110,– per person.
    The end time is an indication. Roeland will see to it that your money is well spent.

    Roeland Beljon
    Roeland is a sociology major and has worked most of his life in mobility and environmental consultancy. He has been involved in crop circles after seeing his first crop circle next to Silbury Hill in 1994 together with his partner Nancy Polet. They joined the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies in 1995 and have been coming over to Wiltshire every summer since. Together they guided the Glastonbury Symposium 2022 Crop Circle Coach Tour. Since 2008 Roeland has been a tour guide on several multiple days Crop Circle tours. In 2011 he became the chairman of the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies. 

    Roeland has done many lectures on the topic and together with Nancy Polet he has been organising the Crop Cirlce event of the year, A Night of Crop Circling in Alton Barnes, since 2015.

    Contact Roeland for a guided tour, a lecture or a custom made program via or +31 6 54752559.

    Roeland is active with lectures on frontier sciences in English via zoom. Also he is planning on doing some live events on frontier sciences in or around Wiltshire in the near future. Sign up for the email list via 

  • Thursday, October 27th 2022, “The Map and the Manuscript: Journeys in the Mysteries of the Two Rennes” Talk by Simon Miles (Via Zoom)

    For over a century now the debate on Rennes-le-Château and what happened there has been going on.  Simon Miles researched this topic intensively and came up with interesting and surprising conclusions. He just finished his book The Map and the Manuscript: Journeys in the Mysteries of the Two Rennes. It contains many new and original insights which, most likely will come as a pleasant surprise to those who have followed the subject over the years. 

    These include true and complete solutions to the problems of the landscape geometry, the mysterious parchments and Boudet’s book and enigmatic map. It also identifies, for the first time ever, the author of Le Serpent Rouge. In short, The Map and the Manuscript is the book which solves core elements of the mystery of Rennes. 
    in this talk, Simon Miles will explain his findings showing many pictures and visual proof. Afterwards, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and discuss the topic.
    Click on the image to see Simon talk about the book himself:
    Simon Miles
    Simon Miles is an independent researcher and writer living in the UK. He has been sudying mysteries like Rennes-le-Château for most of his life including the crop circle phenomenon. In 2015 Simon did a talk at the Bases Conference in Marlborough Wiltshire UK. The audience was blown away as you will be by this talk.
    More information about Simon Miles and his work can be found on his website:
    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends 
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Simon Miles”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time (usually a day prior to the lecture). You can log on from 20 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559. 
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice. 
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.
    If you want to be on the international mailing-list, send an email to

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.