Why do people believe in conspiracy theories, and what is the evidence to support them? Truth and mysteries researcher Andy Thomas explores an intriguing alternative history of humankind, as seen through the eyes of those who question the establishment version of events, taking in everything from the Roman Empire, the Gunpowder Plot and the World Wars, to JFK, Watergate, the Moon landings, Princess Diana, 9/11, the ‘New World Order’ and other huge controversies in a compelling and fascinating journey.
Now that COVID doubts and the US Capitol invasion have put conspiracies under a new spotlight it is even more important we understand why people continue to question authority and Andy puts the past and the present into useful context in an insightful presentation.
Andy Thomas
Andy Thomas is one of the UK’s best-known researchers into conspiracies, unexplained mysteries and cover-ups, and is the author of many books, including Conspiracies: The Facts – The Theories – The Evidence and The Truth Agenda. Andy’s renowned guide to crop circles, Vital Signs, was nominated for Kindred Spirit magazine’s Best Book award. He also writes on history and folklore and his book Christmas: A Short History from Solstice to Santa was published globally in 2019. Andy has given thousands of lectures in Britain and around the world over nearly three decades and he is one of the organisers of the Glastonbury Symposium conference, the longest-running annual alternative event in the UK, now 30 years old. Andy has made numerous radio and TV appearances over the years, and mainstream spots have included programmes for the BBC, NBC, The History Channel and The National Geographic Channel, and he writes regularly for Nexus Magazine.
7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
8.00 pm CET: start
9.30 pm CET: questions
10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
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